Contradictions and Compromises
By using more describing aspects of the pair of logical entities that are puppets we play with, we greatly expand the complexity of the question. By bringing the collection in a sorting order, we can say that SQab is the case. In that moment, under this understanding, we know about each element, which is its place; alternatively, we also know about each place, which element is presently in occupation of it.
Contrasting to ‘SQab is the case’ would be the state of the world if ‘SQba is the case’. Then, element ei would not be on place pj, but rather on a different place. The general idea of a resort is that most of the elements lose their place attribute’s logical property of .t. and gain the logical property of .t. attached to a different place attribute. In his everyday life, the participant has experienced and understood the logical processes involved in a reorder. The area of the brain wherein are stored the experiences relating to places is not directly connected to the parts of the brain that manage quality properties of the mental contents. One has to actively encourage the idea that this essay discusses the places of logical elements that are pictured in the abstract world as the result of a sorting procedure. The sorting connects places to quantities.
Natural Information Technology makes use of the numeric constants that are the result of sorting the collection of additions. Nature appears to agree to the rules logic and Information Technology have elaborated. The transition is very smooth; because the mechanism is self-explanatory once one has set into motion the accounting machine. Once one has cleared the logical resistance of accepting two equally valid versions of what is the case, the technical solution of the consolidation comes quite naturally, as the numbers are very helpful. Any two of sorting orders can be resorted into each other and the extent of thruthfullness of the alternative results of ‘SQαβ is the case vs SQγδ is the case’ can at any moment be numerically evaluated and registered.
The rational world, as we are used to understand it, is stable, even rectangular. The space concept this essay proposes is generated by change resp. movement and transformation. The basic idea of a unit in Natural Information Technology is the standard extent of relocation during a resort from a given order into a different order. The fundamental vision transmitted in this essay is a data set that is continuously resorted. What we direct the attention of the reader to is the group of elements that are in interdependence with each other. During a reorder, elements usually are included in a sub-collection that moves together. These sub-collections can be seen as convoy, goods in transit, or as a string connecting places in a linear sequence with amounts of a and b and their 7 derivatives.
The numbers are forthcoming enough to supply a standard kind of chain, which is of length 3 and accommodates 4 distinct logical states in each of its readings. The accounting mechanism translates up to 72 differing readings of the order history of the set into 20 or 21 actually distinguishable logical prescriptions.
Let this essay conclude with an optimistic note. The concept is rooted in psychology: that the logical relations {<|=|>} and {=,+} are both accessible to the brain, and using them concurrently is only a matter of training; its content is communicable, as it deals with elements that have a well-known life in abstract thinking: the new trick is to watch the patterns that appear while reshuffling from a specific order into a different one; the demand for a numeric model to simulate Nature’s ideas about order is urgent, as applied biology is advancing forward on empirical knowledge. May this essay support Information Technology into becoming a Natural Information Technology.